Multi-Genre Shawtie

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I wanna write a paranormal romance. Some completely unrealistic shifter type shit.

I wanna write dramatic literary fiction that makes you cry and get angry; that isn't a romance and doesn't have a HEA.

I wanna write a collection of poems about random shit I experienced in my teens and early 20s.

I wanna write a YA fantasy set in a alternate universe of my creation.

I wanna write non-het romance that does end with a HEA.

What I don't want to do is be trapped in one genre. The series is contemporary romance and is hella fun to write. I have a couple more novellas to add to that series before it's finished. After that...who knows? Being a newbie in the publishing world has me at an advantage, in my opinion. I don't yet have a dedicated fan base that has built around one type of genre. Hopefully that works in my favor.

I'll be 30 this year, this is my bold season.


Oh, Hey


No Love Allowed: A Novella