Oh, Hey

I'm just stopping by for a quick update.

I finished the JustOneNight.com short story I referenced at the end of No Love Allowed. It was fun to revisit Francesca and Thomas but I'm glad it's over and done with. It was emotional for me, delving into the "where are they now". Now I am free to jump right back into Milly's crazy world LOL.

For the first time, I am giving myself something like a deadline to finish this book. Like I've previously mentioned, planning has definitely been helping ya girl out and if I play my cards right, I can knock out Book 3 of this series very quickly. Like quickly enough to maybe even add a 3rd book to this years list of releases. :) I like my timeline, I like my planning. I have taken to using a word tracker originally created for use during NaNoWriMo. It. Is. Ah. Mazing! It really puts things into perspective and allows me to see just how productive I have been. It's going to make completing Book 3 a breeze. So there's that.

In other news. My littles are on a Spring break from school this week. *crickets* Yep. That's how I feel. I took a week off from my day job to be at home with them. If they were older than 6 and 7 I would call this a dream. Alas, I will not be able to get in any extra writing outside of the regularly scheduled amount. Still, it's all good. We'll go road-tripping and maybe I will gather some fodder for Milly's newest shenanigans.


New Release - The Week Before Forever


Multi-Genre Shawtie